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Contact Us

Kristen Sundquist
3805 NE Sawdust Hill Rd.
Poulsbo, WA 98370
(360) 779-1225

Please email or call to learn more about our program, available spaces, or to visit.

Enrollment opens in January for the following September and children typically start between the age of 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 when toilet trained and showing signs of readiness for the classroom. Families may email after Dec. 15th to schedule a visit. We don't do wait lists beforehand.

Conveniently located between Poulsbo and Kingston, just off Bond Road.

You may use this form to contact us through email. 

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You may also email directly to "ksundquist@CGMSPoulsbo.com"  if the link above doesn't cooperate.

(360) 779-1225       3805 Sawdust Hill Rd. NE   Poulsbo, WA 98370          Copyright 2022